Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My car arrived in Melbourne last Thursday. Within an hour I had an accident. Some p plater girl drove into the back of me. I now fear whenever I see cars with P plates and they are like EVERYWHERE! I live in constant fear.
Now while I can't say I have driving skillls like The Stig, I'm not a stereotypical awful Asian driver either. I do know how to reverse parallel park, merge and signal correctly in a roundabout. I thought WA drivers were terrible but Victorian drivers take the cake. They tail gate, chop and change lanes without looking and expecting you to stomp on the breaks otherwise they will take out the front of your car. It is a nightmare. I fear driving in peak periods.
I have yet to do a hellish hook turn. I think I will avoid that as long as I can. I don't like driving over tram tracks and it seems like these Victorian drivers do not see lane markers; they seems to like to make a two lane road into one and then back into two when they feel like it. They treat road markings not as guides as they should be but more like grafitti on the street to be followed and looked at their whim. My blood pressure must be ridiculously high when I drive. My road rage comes out much much more often than back in Perth.
Apparently I being bullied by Victorian drivers because of my WA license plates. Call me silly but I think the Victorian license plate is ugly looking and I want to keep my prettier WA plate as long as possible.
I also dislike the fact that pedestrians are king here. Cars must give way to crossing paedestrian who don't seem to have a care in the world and walk across streets without looking. Drivers here don't seem to mind and will patiently wait for them. I've nearly ran over a few people. If these paedestrians roamed Perth streets there would be a lot of carnage for sure.
Something else new is tolls. Its a ridiculous concept. The only positive from the tolls is apparently fewer speed camera hence why everyone seems to be driving a minimum 15km over the speed limit.
A GPS is a must. Its not like Perth where I can easily navigate around by memory. The roads here seems to be always changing. There are road works, detours, new roads, roads changing flow.. its challenging drivers to lose their way.
I don't want to become one of these maniac drivers over here in the east but I must do to survive says a friend. I fear for my life.
Now while I can't say I have driving skillls like The Stig, I'm not a stereotypical awful Asian driver either. I do know how to reverse parallel park, merge and signal correctly in a roundabout. I thought WA drivers were terrible but Victorian drivers take the cake. They tail gate, chop and change lanes without looking and expecting you to stomp on the breaks otherwise they will take out the front of your car. It is a nightmare. I fear driving in peak periods.
I have yet to do a hellish hook turn. I think I will avoid that as long as I can. I don't like driving over tram tracks and it seems like these Victorian drivers do not see lane markers; they seems to like to make a two lane road into one and then back into two when they feel like it. They treat road markings not as guides as they should be but more like grafitti on the street to be followed and looked at their whim. My blood pressure must be ridiculously high when I drive. My road rage comes out much much more often than back in Perth.
Apparently I being bullied by Victorian drivers because of my WA license plates. Call me silly but I think the Victorian license plate is ugly looking and I want to keep my prettier WA plate as long as possible.
I also dislike the fact that pedestrians are king here. Cars must give way to crossing paedestrian who don't seem to have a care in the world and walk across streets without looking. Drivers here don't seem to mind and will patiently wait for them. I've nearly ran over a few people. If these paedestrians roamed Perth streets there would be a lot of carnage for sure.
Something else new is tolls. Its a ridiculous concept. The only positive from the tolls is apparently fewer speed camera hence why everyone seems to be driving a minimum 15km over the speed limit.
A GPS is a must. Its not like Perth where I can easily navigate around by memory. The roads here seems to be always changing. There are road works, detours, new roads, roads changing flow.. its challenging drivers to lose their way.
I don't want to become one of these maniac drivers over here in the east but I must do to survive says a friend. I fear for my life.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I have officially been in Melbourne for a week and 50 minutes (and counting).
What is there to say?
Well I'm homesick, despite the meager possessions I have managed to bring along to make my new home feel like home, my heart is still 3000 km back in its real home, Perth. The excitement of being in Melbourne has definitely been replaced in feeling alone, cold and scared.
Even my body is missing Perth. I've caught a cold but that's normal according to Marcus who said everyone he knew including himself who moved from Perth to Melbourne got sick. He said consider it as part of the ritual of becoming a Melbournian or Melbournese as my friend Grace prefers.
My skin is hating Melbourne too. I haven't had a zit yet but my skin has exploded with a bajillion blackheads, it quite disgusting. I think I may need to buy biore shares or something. I'm masking like crazy in hopes that I don't actually break out looking like some high school pizza faced kid. For the record I was never that pizza faced kid in high school.
There have been times I've burst into tears missing home badly but a thoughtful word here and there from friends in Perth especially Grace have given me resolve to try to make it in Melbourne. My dad has gruffly told me I can always go back home. And no matter how desperately I want to go back home back to where I know more than 5 people and know the streets, the smells, the beautiful weather.. I have to try to give Melbourne a go. I need to try and find that thing that made me fall in love with this city the first time I visited it oh so many years ago.
I told myself I needed change. Well here it is in Melbourne. I really need to give this a real go.
What is there to say?
Well I'm homesick, despite the meager possessions I have managed to bring along to make my new home feel like home, my heart is still 3000 km back in its real home, Perth. The excitement of being in Melbourne has definitely been replaced in feeling alone, cold and scared.
Even my body is missing Perth. I've caught a cold but that's normal according to Marcus who said everyone he knew including himself who moved from Perth to Melbourne got sick. He said consider it as part of the ritual of becoming a Melbournian or Melbournese as my friend Grace prefers.
My skin is hating Melbourne too. I haven't had a zit yet but my skin has exploded with a bajillion blackheads, it quite disgusting. I think I may need to buy biore shares or something. I'm masking like crazy in hopes that I don't actually break out looking like some high school pizza faced kid. For the record I was never that pizza faced kid in high school.
There have been times I've burst into tears missing home badly but a thoughtful word here and there from friends in Perth especially Grace have given me resolve to try to make it in Melbourne. My dad has gruffly told me I can always go back home. And no matter how desperately I want to go back home back to where I know more than 5 people and know the streets, the smells, the beautiful weather.. I have to try to give Melbourne a go. I need to try and find that thing that made me fall in love with this city the first time I visited it oh so many years ago.
I told myself I needed change. Well here it is in Melbourne. I really need to give this a real go.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
You see, we were going to have this wonderful 2 week whirlwind romance. You would come up to me and say hello and from then on it be bliss for 2 perfect whole weeks. And only 2 weeks because we know it's all the time we have for but for two weeks it would of been magical. It would be fill with holding hands, kisses, phone calls until dawn, laughter and everything else that love songs are about. We would of made the world jealous together.
But no, it's not going to happen. We won't be that couple of crazy kids in love. We won't have our final kiss goodbye as we part with beautiful memories of us. Not its not going to happen.
Instead I'll go my way and you, yours.
It could of be some kind of wonderful romance. If only.....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I booked my one way ticket to Melbourne today at work. My hands was shaking and tears started trickling out despite my hardest not to. It made me think is this a mistake? Can I really do this? Move away from everything I know? My comfort zone?
Truth be known I'm scared as hell. Truth be said I'm not happy in Perth but will I be over there? I don't know... only time will tell.
I'm hoping this is a step in the right direction.
I really need to get my act togther and cease spending unecessarily.
I have yet to secure a job over there and I'm wishing I had saved a bit more in the bank.
I really should get a wiggle on and start ebaying off those items I said I would nearly a month ago.
I really go to grow up if I'm going to go and relocate myself on the otherside of the country.
Truth be known I'm scared as hell. Truth be said I'm not happy in Perth but will I be over there? I don't know... only time will tell.
I'm hoping this is a step in the right direction.
I really need to get my act togther and cease spending unecessarily.
I have yet to secure a job over there and I'm wishing I had saved a bit more in the bank.
I really should get a wiggle on and start ebaying off those items I said I would nearly a month ago.
I really go to grow up if I'm going to go and relocate myself on the otherside of the country.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I was in Melbourne last weekend. I am still feeling rather tired from the trip - not cause of jetlag but probably the lack of sleep I had.
When I got there, I had second thoughts about moving there. I started to fret and get quite homesick to think I will living here for a wee while. I suddenly thought maybe Perth isn't so bad anymore and whatever rut I am in I can work myself out of it. I thought I can't do this, come here on my own with no family and knowing very few people in town.
I'm not going to let fear hold me back. I have to got to give this a go. After all I've already handed in my resignation letter. I've already moved some of my stuff over to Melbourne. Its time for me to go to Melbourne (in October!)
When I got there, I had second thoughts about moving there. I started to fret and get quite homesick to think I will living here for a wee while. I suddenly thought maybe Perth isn't so bad anymore and whatever rut I am in I can work myself out of it. I thought I can't do this, come here on my own with no family and knowing very few people in town.
I'm not going to let fear hold me back. I have to got to give this a go. After all I've already handed in my resignation letter. I've already moved some of my stuff over to Melbourne. Its time for me to go to Melbourne (in October!)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It was a fruitless shopping spree on the weekend whilst trying to look for some leather gloves to combat the frosty mornings we been experiencing lately. The only pair I came across were ugly and ridiculously over priced. I thought it be an easy task to get some gloves as only like a week or two ago, gloves were everywhere.
To my dismay, shops were stocking Spring clothing and accessories whilst Winter gear was being shunted towards the sales rack. You would think finding Winter items would be easy during Winter months.
I've always go to wonder why the hell do shops start selling things so early? Like Christmas stuff being available now and Easter goodies from the new year? I mean seriously who the hell buys that sort of stuff that advanced? I mean the Easter chocolates I get, because end of the day its still bloody chocolate albeit bunny shaped BUT what the hell are you going to with bloody Christmas trees and decorations 6 months prior to damn jolly season? Yes I am aware of the concept of Christmas in July but the who the heck actually does celebrate Christmas in July, with presents under the Christmas tree and all?
So while I be rugging up for tomorrow's expected 4 degree morning (sooo last season according to the shops) I wonder if anyone will brave the cold in Spring's fashion.
To my dismay, shops were stocking Spring clothing and accessories whilst Winter gear was being shunted towards the sales rack. You would think finding Winter items would be easy during Winter months.
I've always go to wonder why the hell do shops start selling things so early? Like Christmas stuff being available now and Easter goodies from the new year? I mean seriously who the hell buys that sort of stuff that advanced? I mean the Easter chocolates I get, because end of the day its still bloody chocolate albeit bunny shaped BUT what the hell are you going to with bloody Christmas trees and decorations 6 months prior to damn jolly season? Yes I am aware of the concept of Christmas in July but the who the heck actually does celebrate Christmas in July, with presents under the Christmas tree and all?
So while I be rugging up for tomorrow's expected 4 degree morning (sooo last season according to the shops) I wonder if anyone will brave the cold in Spring's fashion.
Monday, July 27, 2009
P is for....
One of my biggest flaws is being quite prone to procrastination. That itself speak volumes alluding to other flaws like laziness, lack of discipline, short attention span... I could go on...but I can save the my character bashing for another post.
No matter how many times I have screwed myself over with procrastinating which is always followed with self promises to not procrastinate ever again, I will find myself in a sticky spot caused by said procrastination.
Its seems lately though procrastination is costing me a lot more then lack of sleep or a better grade as it did in high school and uni. Instead procrastinating at work has cost me
1) a better pay rise. I told myself by the end of my first year at work I would of completed my Microsoft and Apple certification. End of year came, no certs under my belt hence making it hard to sell the fat pay rise I wanted (which I didn't get) So seven months late I have got my MCP, (one more exam to get MCDST) and yet to get my Apple cert which looks likely I will abandon.
2) a promotion. I'm still stuck on the same team that I started with. I'm pretty sure if I had actually gotten my certifications done earlier I'd probably be in another team and much more satisfied career wise.
Besides work, I practice procrastination else where in my life. I mean my arse and thighs didn't get this way without some help- procrastinating so much that I rarely made it to the gym. I'm forcing myself back to the gym due to needing to save money rather then spend money on clothes that aren't so damn tight. My poor blog suffers too, God knows how many posts that I could have written instead of wasting countless hours stalking people on Facebook. Its unfair that so many other things seem so much more fun then actually doing stuff that needs to be done.
Even now I am procrastinating in my packing for Melbourne. Mother dearest has nagged me to start sorting my things for Melbourne now. Lazy me thinks no I got plenty of time. Though seriously I MUST START packing !
So I end this post with a wise saying:
No matter how many times I have screwed myself over with procrastinating which is always followed with self promises to not procrastinate ever again, I will find myself in a sticky spot caused by said procrastination.
Its seems lately though procrastination is costing me a lot more then lack of sleep or a better grade as it did in high school and uni. Instead procrastinating at work has cost me
1) a better pay rise. I told myself by the end of my first year at work I would of completed my Microsoft and Apple certification. End of year came, no certs under my belt hence making it hard to sell the fat pay rise I wanted (which I didn't get) So seven months late I have got my MCP, (one more exam to get MCDST) and yet to get my Apple cert which looks likely I will abandon.
2) a promotion. I'm still stuck on the same team that I started with. I'm pretty sure if I had actually gotten my certifications done earlier I'd probably be in another team and much more satisfied career wise.
Besides work, I practice procrastination else where in my life. I mean my arse and thighs didn't get this way without some help- procrastinating so much that I rarely made it to the gym. I'm forcing myself back to the gym due to needing to save money rather then spend money on clothes that aren't so damn tight. My poor blog suffers too, God knows how many posts that I could have written instead of wasting countless hours stalking people on Facebook. Its unfair that so many other things seem so much more fun then actually doing stuff that needs to be done.
Even now I am procrastinating in my packing for Melbourne. Mother dearest has nagged me to start sorting my things for Melbourne now. Lazy me thinks no I got plenty of time. Though seriously I MUST START packing !
So I end this post with a wise saying:
Procrastination and masturbation only have one thing common : you end up fucking yourself over ..
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am afraid of the future because I don't know what lies ahead.
I always want to know what is going to happen. I'm one of those people that loves spoilers and will read the last chapter of a book to know how the story will end. If I don't like the ending I won't read it.
I don't care for suspense. It annoys me. Just skip it and fast forward me to the ending.
If only there was some way of knowing what was going to happen in the end of my life. I want that happily ever after, the triumphant ride into the sunset. I want my fairy tale ending. I want it all minus the evil step sisters or poisoned fruit. I want my Prince Charming (or Princess Charming (you never know these days) to sweep me off my feet and we will live in our castle, happily ever after.
I always want to know what is going to happen. I'm one of those people that loves spoilers and will read the last chapter of a book to know how the story will end. If I don't like the ending I won't read it.
I don't care for suspense. It annoys me. Just skip it and fast forward me to the ending.
If only there was some way of knowing what was going to happen in the end of my life. I want that happily ever after, the triumphant ride into the sunset. I want my fairy tale ending. I want it all minus the evil step sisters or poisoned fruit. I want my Prince Charming (or Princess Charming (you never know these days) to sweep me off my feet and we will live in our castle, happily ever after.
I'm so generation Y. :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
I handed in my resignation/ transfer request letter today.
After I sat back at my desk I was hit with a wave of panic.
Shit.. I'm really doing this. By this I mean leaving Perth for Melbourne.
I got heaps of reasons to go.
One is to fulfill the wish to move there when I first visited the beautifully planned city years ago. I love the trams, the arcades and being able to shop at Coles 3am because I can.
Another is in seek of new adventures. I feel like I'm trapped in a rut at the moment. Right now there is nothing in Perth that makes me want to stay.
And another I suppose is because I want to run away and escape. After all it has been a crap year so far. The break up and the break down. I need time and space. I need a breath of fresh air. I need to go to Melbourne.
The countdown begins.
After I sat back at my desk I was hit with a wave of panic.
Shit.. I'm really doing this. By this I mean leaving Perth for Melbourne.
I got heaps of reasons to go.
One is to fulfill the wish to move there when I first visited the beautifully planned city years ago. I love the trams, the arcades and being able to shop at Coles 3am because I can.
Another is in seek of new adventures. I feel like I'm trapped in a rut at the moment. Right now there is nothing in Perth that makes me want to stay.
And another I suppose is because I want to run away and escape. After all it has been a crap year so far. The break up and the break down. I need time and space. I need a breath of fresh air. I need to go to Melbourne.
The countdown begins.
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