Monday, July 27, 2009

P is for....

One of my biggest flaws is being quite prone to procrastination. That itself speak volumes alluding to other flaws like laziness, lack of discipline, short attention span... I could go on...but I can save the my character bashing for another post.

No matter how many times I have screwed myself over with procrastinating which is always followed with self promises to not procrastinate ever again, I will find myself in a sticky spot caused by said procrastination.

Its seems lately though procrastination is costing me a lot more then lack of sleep or a better grade as it did in high school and uni. Instead procrastinating at work has cost me

1) a better pay rise. I told myself by the end of my first year at work I would of completed my Microsoft and Apple certification. End of year came, no certs under my belt hence making it hard to sell the fat pay rise I wanted (which I didn't get) So seven months late I have got my MCP, (one more exam to get MCDST) and yet to get my Apple cert which looks likely I will abandon.

2) a promotion. I'm still stuck on the same team that I started with. I'm pretty sure if I had actually gotten my certifications done earlier I'd probably be in another team and much more satisfied career wise.

Besides work, I practice procrastination else where in my life. I mean my arse and thighs didn't get this way without some help- procrastinating so much that I rarely made it to the gym. I'm forcing myself back to the gym due to needing to save money rather then spend money on clothes that aren't so damn tight. My poor blog suffers too, God knows how many posts that I could have written instead of wasting countless hours stalking people on Facebook. Its unfair that so many other things seem so much more fun then actually doing stuff that needs to be done.

Even now I am procrastinating in my packing for Melbourne. Mother dearest has nagged me to start sorting my things for Melbourne now. Lazy me thinks no I got plenty of time. Though seriously I MUST START packing !

So I end this post with a wise saying:

Procrastination and masturbation only have one thing common : you end up fucking yourself over ..


  1. Interesting saying but not one I can share in the class room. How long are you going to Melbourne for? (should I expect a reply anytime soon given the topic of this post?) :P

  2. LOL 6 months to begin with unless homesickness drives me back sooner :)
