Sunday, July 11, 2010

Its been nearly 9 months since I left Perth for Melbourne. I keep thinking I've only been here for 6 or 7 months but damn time is moving fast and soon it be my one year anniversary.

I told myself and everyone that I would stick it out a year and most likely come back.
Though the longer I am here, I am thinking I will stay past the year and it be a couple more years. It just makes sense to stay here a bit longer. There still so much of Melbourne for me to explore and I'm ashamed to say with my laziness and procrastination I haven't done a lot of things I would like to do. For example I have not yet been to the museums and art galleries in the city nor have I visited Melbourne Zoo yet. I need to give myself a kick in the pants and stop being so lazy and thinking I've always got time.

I am 25 now and I can remember myself ten years ago thinking time was moving way too slow and it felt like I was in high school forever. These days it seems like time is moving way too damn fast for my liking and I am scared that I will not live life to the fullest potential. I am no longer a child and my body definitely does not recover like it use to. Its time for action, surely I should of left procrastination and the should-of-could-of-would-of behind.

1 comment:

  1. When's the 12 month anniversary of your move happening? :) Still enjoying your time over there?
